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Preci­sion Farming

Auto­matic steering systems and site-specific field manage­ment are finding their way onto farms as the options become wider and more diverse. Preci­sion farming can make busi­nesses more effi­cient, more sustain­able and more econom­i­cally viable.

Here you will find useful guid­ance on how to get started as well as back­ground infor­ma­tion on preci­sion farming.

The Furrow is also avail­able on paper!

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Culti­vating opti­mism in Alsace where corn is king

Believe it or not, the Vix family were all born on June 26. Wendelin Vix, hale and hearty at 87 years old, has passed on his love for farming to his son Jean-Marc and his grandson, François. Visiting this person­ality of Alsa­tian agri­cul­ture was well worth the trip, 26 years after doing a first report in the French edition Le Sillon. Let’s redis­cover care­fully managed La Neumatt Farm, based in Wantzenau (Lower-Rhine), where corn is king and cause for opti­mism.

Precision Farming

Healthy wheat with less fungi­cides

In addi­tion to arable farming and fattening pigs, the Anschütz family relies on energy produc­tion from biogas and photo­voltaics, and provides heat to 90 house­holds through a heating network. Networks also play a big role in the family's farm manage­ment: Their trac­tors are equipped with the Auto­Trac steering system, the John Deere Display and JDLink, all connected to the John Deere Oper­a­tions Center. For a crop protec­tion agent trial, the Oper­a­tions Center was addi­tion­ally connected with xarvio from BASF. 

Precision Farming

Increase effi­ciency with satel­lite tech­nology

The govern­ment is increas­ingly restricting the use of agri­cul­tural inputs. In addi­tion, prices have risen to unimag­ined heights. Many farmers are wondering how to use fertilisers, seeds, growth regu­la­tors and crop protec­tion chem­i­cals more effi­ciently. One possible answer is to imple­ment preci­sion farming: Those who work with appli­ca­tion maps based on satel­lite images can achieve more uniform yields.