Tractors“Get started right away and get any job done”

With the over-150hp 6M trac­tors, John Deere offers uncom­pli­cated machines for chal­lenging tasks. In this inter­view, product manager Marcus Luchmann explains how these trac­tors combine power and effi­ciency with attrac­tive costs.

Mr Luchmann, as product marketing manager, you are respon­sible for the larger 6M models. What makes these trac­tors so excep­tional for you?

The large 6M trac­tors are so special because their versa­tility is combined with genuine John Deere power. We offer a complete line-up that is perfectly tailored to different farm sizes and demands. We start with our proven tech­nology, like the six-cylinder engine, and then add modern features that make day-to-day work signif­i­cantly more effi­cient.

What is the target market for the 6M series in the power classes above 150hp?

Take a 300-ha farm some­where in Europe, for example. A 6M 220 or 230 can work perfectly as the main tractor here – with suffi­cient weight and pulling power for all-impor­tant field work. But larger arable farmers who want a reli­able all-rounder for various tasks in addi­tion to their main trac­tors need look no further than the 6M.

The large 6M trac­tors are suit­able for heavy field work as well as for road trans­port.

During stubble cultivation, large tires ensure optimal power transfer.

With wheel and front weights, the large 6M trac­tors can be perfectly ballasted for plowing.

The six-cylinder engine appears to play an impor­tant role. What advan­tages does it offer?

The six-cylinder engine is indeed the heart of our larger 6M models. Even with the 6M 145, you have a very compact tractor with a powerful engine that delivers up to 171hp with power boost. But what is crucial is the combi­na­tion: Models with this engine have the neces­sary weight for heavier work, and together with our sturdy steel bridge frame, we get the perfect balance for optimum trac­tion.

What specific improve­ments do the new features, like the higher hydraulic power and tyre options, offer for day-to-day work?

On the large 6M 230 and 250 models, we now offer a hydraulic output of up to 195 litres per minute. That used to be a limiting factor. This allows you to easily operate larger imple­ments or even perform demanding trans­port tasks. Another high­light is the large 710/70 R42 tyres that many competi­tors in this class cannot offer. Larger tyres mean better grip on the ground and better trac­tion in the field. In addi­tion, there is a 20hp power boost for trans­port and PTO work – very prac­tical for tasks in grass­land or heavy trans­port oper­a­tions.

The 6M is easy to operate thanks to proven oper­ating concepts such as the corner post display and a compact Comman­dARM.

How did you manage to achieve the balance between modern tech­nology and simple oper­a­tion?

We have equipped the 6M so that farmers can do every­thing they want, from 50kmh trans­port to tillage. We rely on proven oper­ating concepts like the corner post display and a compact Comman­dARM. If customers want, they can also equip the tractor with our G5 display and have access to preci­sion farming features like section or vari­able rate control. The best thing is that farmers decide for them­selves which tech­nolo­gies they want to use. You could almost say that the tractor grows with their demands. We give our customers 100% freedom to configure their tractor and enable them to combine basic func­tions with premium options, like contin­u­ously vari­able trans­mis­sion with mechan­ical control units.

What makes the large 6M an econom­i­cally inter­esting option for arable farms?

You get a genuine John Deere tractor with guar­an­teed perfor­mance at an attrac­tive price-perfor­mance ratio. The machine is designed for a long service life and impresses with low oper­ating costs. And no-one has to forego impor­tant features like the contin­u­ously vari­able trans­mis­sion or preci­sion farming func­tions. Farmers invest in a tractor that offers exactly what they need for their busi­ness. No more, no less.

Customers can equip the tractor with the G5 display.

Up to 255 sections can be controlled.

During sowing, Auto­Trac ensures straight rows and prevents over­laps.

Spraying can be easily docu­mented.

How do you see the role of the larger 6M trac­tors in modern agri­cul­ture?

The 6M means instant produc­tivity. You can get started right away and get any job done that comes up on-farm. We offer maximum flex­i­bility with our wide range of models and the various config­u­ra­tion options. Whether as the main tractor on a medium-sized farm or as a reli­able all-rounder on a larger farm, the 6M is a real work­horse. It combines the best of both worlds: Proven, robust tech­nology with the option of grad­u­ally adding modern tech­nolo­gies. All that makes it a future-proof invest­ment.