When the thunder is rumbling in the distance and the narrow roads of the 1,000-soul-village Wustrow are suddenly cast into darkness, nobody really wants to leave the house: Including Silvia Priebe and her dogs. They live in a house near the Baltic Sea coast on the Fischland peninsula, surrounded by water. But these are exactly the kinds of moments in which an alarm can sound on Silvia’s mobile phone. And when it does, she knows somebody is in distress at sea, which means they need help.
She then drops everything, gets on her bike and pedals as fast as she can to the historic DGzRS shed, which houses a dark red tractor. You have to take a second look to recognise it: This is a converted John Deere 6R 230.

I have to be able to drop everything from one minute to the next. You just cannot do this on your own.
Silvia Priebe, sea rescue volunteer for the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service
“The sandy beaches here are flat and there aren’t a lot of harbours. But because we need to get on the water quickly in such situations, we move our search and rescue vessel to the beach or to the Saaler Bodden, depending on where our help is needed,” Silvia explains.
The tractor supports them in this mission. It pulls the vessel named ‘Knut Olaf Kolbe’, which was built in 2023, to the beach or to the Bodden (a kind of lagoon but connected with the Baltic Sea) using a specially constructed three-axle trailer.
The main focus is saving lives
The boat is launched into the water there, and with a lot of momentum, the boat crew of three to four sea rescuers can set off to the scene of accident. The reasons to deploy a maritime search and rescue team are diverse: Sometimes, sailors suffer a broken mast in high winds, or the boat is taking on water; at other times, somebody drifts out to sea in a fishing boat, or a crew have lost their way in foggy conditions. Saving lives is almost always the main task.

The Society has been stationed in the former fishing and sailing village of Wustrow since 1866. Today, there are 18 volunteer sea rescuers who are on call, and who decide among themselves at short notice who can get out the quickest – around the clock, in all weather conditions. The rescuers have their mobile phones on them at all times. They are usually sailors themselves or come from seafaring or sea rescue families, like Silvia’s. She remembers: “Even as a child, I experienced my dad leaving for missions with his crew. The family always fully supported him in this. You cannot really do this by yourself.” The people in Wustrow have a close connection to the water, the sea, the waves and the wind. How could it be otherwise?
The transformation from land to a seaworthy machine
The red John Deere 6R 230 has been supporting the sea rescue team on the peninsula since December 2023. Its advantages: It is quick, strong, agile and can drive into the water. Andreas Meier, from the John Deere dealer Hans Meier oHG near Wolgast, converted the tractor – which was originally yellow and green when it left the Mannheim site. Andreas and his colleagues worked exclusively on this project (a solution for sea rescuers) for six weeks. “I sat down with my workshop team and let the ideas flow. Now the tractor can cope with saltwater without any problems.” And he means this literally.

The main job was to move the electrical and electronic components from the bottom of the tractor to the top, so that it can drive into the water up to a depth of approximately one metre. The sailors call this ‘wading depth’, which is necessary so that the rescue boat can launch. The central electronics of the tractor are now located in the footwell of the cab and the battery is in a sealed stainless-steel container on the right side by the door.
Andreas removed all components susceptible to rust and had them sand-blasted and galvanised. The cab now has everything required for sea rescue: A marine radio, a winch mechanism, two blue flashing lights and a horn. A winch pulls the lifeboat back onto the special trailer when it returns to the beach at high speed.

I sat down with my workshop manager and let the ideas flow. Now the tractor can cope with saltwater without any problems
Andreas Meier, John Deere dealer
Finally, a local varnisher in Wolgast painted the 6R in sea rescue red with black rims before the tractor was completely sprayed with corrosion protection. This protection should withstand wind and all weather conditions for 10 years before it needs to be renewed. The yellow-green deer between the headlights still reveals its origin: This is a John Deere.
When the vehicle is on its way to a rescue mission with flashing lights and sirens, it does not need to stop for traffic lights or at crossing; it has right-of-way. Whilst Silvia drives the 6R, the usually three-strong team travel in a Toyota.

“From the top of the dunes, it is usually best to drive straight down to the water in one go,” she says. “That’s why one of my colleagues always checks first if somebody has dug a deep moat around a sandcastle or if any poorly visible rocks are obstructing my way. And if it’s beach weather and somebody is distressed at sea, people also have to get out of the way before I can drive across the sand with our trailer.”
Andreas tested the manoeuvrability in sand with a farmer before he carried out the conversion. “The wide tractor tyres are really useful in soft sand. The top layer is usually dry, and the sand is fine. That means resistance is low and the wheels can spin. But if the weight is just right, it pushes its force down into the deeper, slightly moister layer of sand. Here, the tyres grip on and the tractor can use its pulling force.”
The tilting ability of the trailer ensures that the tractor does not have to drive too far into the Baltic Sea; but it can manage depths up to 1.2m.
Good visibility from the cab
Silvia really likes the all-round visibility from the cab; she really needs it when she is reversing the special trailer into the surf. When doing this, she has to make sure she is at a right angle to the waves, to make sure the trailer does not get damaged, and that the rescue vessel can set off without problems. “I can shift the gears of the tractor with one hand, that is pretty easy,” says Silvia, who got her HGV driving licence eight years ago. She also has a recreational boat licence. It depends on the respective composition of the crew whether she also sets off on the water with the ‘Knut Olaf Kolbe’ or if she stays with the tractor. On those days when Silvia has to wait with the tractor for a long time, she is particularly grateful for her heated seats.

The rescue vessel and her crew can then rush to the co-ordinates where they are needed, at a speed of up to 33 knots (61 km/h). A mission can take several hours, particularly, if people have gone overboard and a search has to be undertaken. SAR, Search and Rescue, is the mission of the sea rescuers. Once back onboard the boat, the rescued people are given First Aid before being returned to the beach at high speed. The red tractor then winches the boat back onto its trailer. Following each mission, the tractor, the trailer and the rescue vessel itself have to be cleaned thoroughly using fresh water to increase their durability.
Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger
The Society is a charity (founded in 1865) which rescues people who are distressed or in dangerous situations on the North and Baltic Seas. The sea rescuers work around the clock, 365 days a year and in every weather condition. They are financed exclusively by donations and voluntary contributions. The Society co-ordinates all search and rescue mission, provides medical First Aid and works closely with other maritime organisations. Its crews are highly qualified and mostly volunteers.

The tractor in Wustrow leaves its shed almost every weekend and practises missions with the crew. Last year, the sea rescuers based at the Wustrow station attended approximately 20 serious situations. And the Society attended about 2,000 missions in total in one year.
Landmaschinen Hans Meier ohG

Andreas Meier (first from the left) and three of his engineers are now experts in converting John Deere tractors for the German Sea Rescue Society. A John Deere 7730 was the beginning in 2010, which was used by sea rescuers in Zinnowitz on Usedom as well as by sea rescuers in Wustrow. He’s converting a 6R 230 at the moment, with special equipment for the Zingst station.