More weeds, please

There have often been conflicts of interest between weed manage­ment and biodi­ver­sity but what if there was a way to combine the two without having to accept serious yield losses? Recent studies suggest that weeds can be bene­fi­cial to farmers, as Theresa Petsch takes a closer look at the data.

Today, weed control is so successful we can effi­ciently elim­i­nate almost all weeds that want to spread in the field. But this approach might be creating more chal­lenges than it solves.

As we elim­i­nate all weeds, including those that pose no real threat to crop yields, we unin­ten­tion­ally make way for problem weeds like black grass and Canada thistle to domi­nate. Could allowing a more diverse range of less compet­i­tive weeds help control these problem species?

Weed Manage­ment Or Weed Diver­sity

Dr. Christoph von Redwitz, a researcher at the Julius Kühn Insti­tute in Brunswick, thinks so. “The goal in recent decades has always been a black field,” explains the agron­o­mist. “But that’s not neces­sary. A certain amount of weed infes­ta­tion is toler­able.” Studies are now showing that fields with diverse weed commu­ni­ties are partic­u­larly desir­able as they result in a lower yield loss with the same degree of weed cover than one-sided weed infes­ta­tion.

The aim is not to ban crop protec­tion completely or to allow problem weeds to grow freely. The key is balance and to develop diverse, site-specific weed commu­ni­ties on indi­vidual areas without the pres­ence of highly compet­i­tive problem weeds.

Dr Christoph von Redwitz is inves­ti­gating compet­i­tive effects and the popu­la­tion dynamics of weeds, among other things, at the Julius Kühn Insti­tute in Brunswick.
Dr von Redwitz some­times grows his own weeds for his exper­i­ments, because they are often no longer to be found in the field.

Weeds reduce the yield, or do they?

Of course, wild weeds can reduce yields or make harvesting more diffi­cult, but new find­ings are chal­lenging this notion. The PlantCom project, a collab­o­ra­tion between Dresden Univer­sity of Applied Sciences (HTW) and the Hofgut Eichigt organic farm, exam­ined how diverse weed commu­ni­ties impact the crop yields.

On a trial field at the farm, researchers sowed between one and twelve weed species among spring wheat and other cereals. The surprising result high­lighted that greater weed diver­sity increased raw and grain yield in wheat.

The number of species was less impor­tant here than a balanced ratio of weed flora. The diverse weeds supressed indi­vidual compet­i­tive species very effi­ciently and also reduced the total biomass of the weeds. “It is there­fore more impor­tant in prac­tice to achieve a high species diver­sity in the weed flora than to exclude indi­vidual species that are known to be nega­tive,” says Prof. Dr. Arne Cier­jacks, one of the project leaders.

It’s always a ques­tion of getting this balance right.

Dr. Marion Rasp

Dr. Marion Rasp, project manager and deputy managing director of the Bavarian Kultur Land­S­tiftung who works in the field of arable weed conser­va­tion.

“It’s always a ques­tion of getting this balance right: reducing problem weeds and promoting rare, less compet­i­tive species.” The Mouse­tail (Myosurus minimus) or large Venus’s Looking Glass (Legousia speculum veneris), for example, are so small and non-compet­i­tive that they gener­ally do not have a yield-threat­ening effect even in larger numbers. There are good reasons why they are such a rare sight in the field.

A greater diver­sity of weeds increased the gross and grain yield in wheat.

More Species, More Diverse Inter­ac­tions

The Saxony trial results high­light that the impact of a diverse weed flora on wheat cannot be univer­sally applied to all weed commu­ni­ties, crop types, loca­tions, or envi­ron­mental condi­tions. The success of diverse weed manage­ment depends on a range of factors, and simply increasing the number of species is no guar­antee of posi­tive outcomes.

The study found that wheat, barley, and oats gener­ally toler­ated weed diver­sity without signif­i­cant yield losses. However, corn was a different story; it proved highly sensi­tive to any type of weed, with a single sowing reducing yield by as much as three-quar­ters. Inter­est­ingly, wheat grown amid a diverse flora was better nour­ished, demon­strating that weed diver­sity can have bene­fi­cial effects on certain crops.

Never­the­less, field mustard (Rham­phos­permum arvense) nega­tively impacted wheat nutri­tion because it consumes large amounts of sulphur and nitrogen to produce mustard oil glyco­sides, compounds that can inhibit wheat growth.

Is weed infes­ta­tion there­fore desir­able?

Scien­tists are only just begin­ning to under­stand which weed species thrive well together under specific envi­ron­mental condi­tions, and how many species are needed to achieve desired outcomes.

“It is really so complex that it is often impos­sible to quan­tify it in detail,” says Dr von Redwitz. So far, there are no defin­i­tive answers as to whether and when diverse weed flora bene­fits the farm. “No study has gone so far as to say that ten species reduce yield loss by more than 5%,” he adds.

Light cereal crops offer the best condi­tions for a species-rich weed flora to develop.
Dr Marion Rasp works in the field of wild herb protec­tion.

However, from an ecolog­ical perspec­tive, increasing weed diver­sity could be bene­fi­cial. A species-rich weed commu­nity can help main­tain a stable and produc­tive agri­cul­tural ecosystem. Diverse weed roots and root exudates improve soil health by supporting natural pest antag­o­nists and enhancing insect polli­na­tion.

The PlantCom project, for example, found that even small plots far from field edges increased insect numbers. Further­more, a diverse weed flora affects nutrient mobi­liza­tion and distri­b­u­tion, creating a complex web of compe­ti­tion and mutual support among plants across species lines.

No Worries About The Seed Bank

The chal­lenge lies in promoting a variety of arable companion species without increasing the total biomass of weeds, which could harm yields.

Trials at HTW Dresden found success with at least twelve addi­tional companion species without human inter­ven­tion. “The species effi­ciently kept each other in check,” explains Prof. Dr. Arne Cier­jacks.

The goal in recent decades has always been a black field.

Dr. Christoph von Redwitz

It there­fore also seems unlikely that the sown species will continue to spread in subse­quent years or develop domi­nant popu­la­tions that are diffi­cult to control. “The danger posed by the seed bank is gener­ally over­es­ti­mated,” says Dr von Redwitz. “Even on areas with a full seed bank that have not been treated for years, the yield can be increased to 100% within one season – thanks to effi­cient weed control.”

Preci­sion Farming Offers Oppor­tu­ni­ties

Dr von Redwitz believes smart farming tech­nolo­gies offers good oppor­tu­ni­ties for managing diverse weed commu­ni­ties more easily in the future.

Image recog­ni­tion must be trained to differ­en­tiate between crops and weeds at species level. Under­standing the para­me­ters that deter­mine the success or failure of a diverse weed commu­nity would also need to be known. Initial find­ings are begin­ning to shed light on how to better assess weed-crop inter­ac­tions and these insights could even­tu­ally guide preci­sion farming systems in deciding which plants to control and which to leave alone.

The different root systems of the weeds have an effect on the agri­cul­tural ecosystem.
The diverse weeds suppress indi­vidual highly compet­i­tive species very effi­ciently and thus also reduce the total biomass of the weeds.

In the ‘Better Weeds’ project, weed maps are also being created using GIS-based image data with the help of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI). Combined with farm-specific infor­ma­tion and the char­ac­ter­is­tics of different weed species, these maps help develop site-specific weed control plans that balance compet­i­tive effects with ecolog­ical bene­fits.

While this approach is still in its early stages, and more needs to be under­stood about plant commu­nity inter­ac­tions, there is a clear path forward. “We do know how to do it better,” he says. “Today’s tech­nology already offers prac­tical solu­tions like leaving spraying windows and not harrowing areas with rare species.”

When can a weed flora start to be consid­ered diverse?

This must be assessed differ­ently, depending on the loca­tion. For example, the pheasant’s eye (Adonis vernalis) family is partic­u­larly species-rich and can develop on shallow skeletal and calcareous soils. “Nowa­days, a field with more than 20 species is already rela­tively diverse by compar­ison,” says Dr von Redwitz. These are still frequently occur­ring species.