Charles Humbey comes slowly chugging across the small canal bridge on his moped, made by Chinese manufacturer Jingcheng. The rice farmer from the village of Asutsuar, not far to the west of the mighty river Volta in Ghana, greets us with a smile. He rides his motorised two-wheeler along an unpaved road to his fields in the middle of a green plain where rice grows on over 3,000ha. The entire area is serviced by a cleverly devised irrigation system which is strictly monitored by the public authorities: This guarantees two good harvests per year.

Ducts and ditches divide the cultivation area into many small plots, which are intensively cultivated by around 2,700 small farmers and many thousands of workers. The fertile alluvial land belongs to the Ghanaian state, with whom the farmers sign five-year lease agreements. The current rental price is estimated at seven sacks of rice (90kg) – i.e. 630kg/ha per year. The 59-year-old cultivates 1.5ha of rice and, as group manager, is responsible for a further 130ha farmed by 285 rice producers. The first harvest begins in mid-February, the second in September and October.
The rice is dried locally in the open air to a moisture content of around 14% and, at a current price of 530 cedi (around £31.60), either ends up on the domestic market or is largely exported to Nigeria. “We rice farmers have nothing to complain about, we’ve been making a good living for many years,” says a satisfied Charles, standing in the rice field with his employee Peter. This is despite the fact that Ghana, which had been thriving for many years, has been economically weakened since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Investments from China
It’s easy to see just how quickly Ghanaian farming, which has a lot to offer thanks to its natural advantages (good soil, warmth and plenty of water) has developed. Until the 1980s, sugar cane was still grown where Charles and his colleagues cultivate rice today, but then the Polish investors at the time withdrew and the sugar factory fell into disrepair. Suddenly a new approach was needed. For example, the French company Golden Exotics invested in the development of a banana plantation, while the Ghanaians in the neighbourhood switched to rice. China’s Fujian Fishing Farm has also been investing in the region for several years. The fish farming company has installed large breeding tanks on the banks of the Volta, in which large quantities of tilapia fish are reared. The farm is located south of the large Akosomba dam and hydroelectric power station; a prestigious project of Ghana, which became independent in 1957.
In general, the Chinese play a dominant role as investors in the West African country. They are not only investing in aquaculture, but also in bridge and road construction, many energy and mining projects, and are also involved in the construction of a new fishing port in the capital Accra. “China Aid For a Shared Future” is promisingly displayed at the entrance to this large construction site. A little further away, just a few hundred metres to the west, directly on a sandy beach of the Atlantic Ocean, Nil Kpopo’s buffaloes are herded into pens. They are on land that does not belong to anyone as the cattle farmer Nil puts it with a grin.

The cows are not milked but give their milk to their calves. Nil feeds his cattle with cassava shells and fruit and vegetable scraps from local markets. “And if plastic gets lost in the feed, my cattle eat that too,” says Kpopo with a slightly deadpan grin. The Ghanaian man is also very sceptical about the new fishing port being built in the neighbourhood: “The Chinese act very friendly, but in the end, they steal the fish from right under our noses.”
From fattening chickens to laying hens
Regardless of the activities on the Atlantic shore, investments in Ghanaian agriculture are not without risk in times of highly volatile markets and prices. Farmer Shaiku Yakubu has also experienced this first-hand. Shaiku invested in the construction of four chicken farms with 170,000 broilers in the village of Ampekrom in the Eastern Region in 2017, after returning from an eight-year stint in North Carolina and Massachusetts. “It went well,” recalls the 37-year-old self-made man during a tour of his business. In 2018, feed prices were 90 cedis (around £5.40) for 150kg of chicken feed. But even before coronavirus, prices had already risen quite a bit, and they skyrocketed after the outbreak of the pandemic, by up to 10 times as much. “From then on, it was impossible for me to make a profit from raising chickens. I had to give up.”
Since then, Shaiku has kept 2,000 laying hens in the former broiler houses, which lay around 900 eggs a day. Selling them helps him to make ends meet. He has also purchased around 80 cattle in recent months to further diversify his business. However, in addition to the major problem of falling groundwater levels, livestock farming is still in strong competition with the cultivation of grain, cocoa, rubber and oil palms in many parts of Ghana.
In some regions, for example, there are hardly any livestock at all. That means intensive plantation farming suffers, because the soils receive too little manure or organic matter. For example, the international commodity cocoa is currently experiencing unexpected price spikes because the harvests in neighbouring Ivory Coast; the world’s number one cocoa producer, and in Ghana; the world’s number two, have been weakening in recent years.
There are many reasons for this: Changing climate, high pest pressure from fungi, viruses and insects, deficits in natural pollination and soils becoming acidic and saline as humus levels fall. The state cocoa board deals with all of these issues and sets guaranteed prices for raw cocoa for each new harvest season. Divided into many working areas, the state organisation maintains branches spread across the country, comparable to local chambers of agriculture. One of these is the Pankese Cocoa Station in Pankese, where a large plantation is used to deal with questions around seed production and plant protection.
Livestock farming in the Cocoa Belt
Meanwhile, Shaiku, in the middle of the Ghanaian cocoa belt, is looking for suitable areas for his livestock farming, which he can fence off and let his cattle graze. That is not an easy undertaking.
There is also a lack of agricultural machinery – tractors and hay balers. In fact, the mechanisation of Ghana’s diverse and regionally very differently structured agriculture is not yet particularly advanced. This is reflected in the number of John Deere tractors sold in Ghana each year. “We are currently working with around 70 tractors per year,” reveals Aline Badre, head of John Deere Ghana at the Accra site. A large proportion of these go to the northern savannah-like regions, where soya and maize are cultivated on a large scale.
A lack of education and financial resources on the often very small farms are reasons why banks often do not consider investments in agricultural machinery to be creditworthy. In short: Many farmers are simply not bankable.
However, what is possible in Ghanaian agriculture can be seen in Suhum, located between the city of Kumasi and Accra. There, the Glover company, initiated by Yayrator Glover, is setting up a farm organisation in which around 5,000 cocoa producers have so far participated. “We are buying around 5,000t of cocoa beans from our producers this year,” reveals managing director George Saviour Dotse. Glover sees itself as having a social and ecological responsibility towards the original producers. “Our suppliers receive free health insurance,” emphasises George, who is pleased that his farming families are benefiting from the current raw material price increases.
Conversion to organic cultivation
One such family are Justice and Vida Bediako, who converted their almost six hectares to organic farming three years ago. “It was a tough time,” Justice openly admits, “but we were financially secure thanks to Glover.” Every 14 days, the family goes to their plantation and harvests the ripe fruit, or ‘pods’, cutting them off the branch with a machete. When all the ripe pods have been harvested, they are carried to a pile.
While Vida, mother of five, spreads out banana leaves, Justice opens the pods and tosses the beans, wrapped in a whitish-sweet (delicious) fruit purée, onto the banana leaves. Once all the fruit has been opened and laid out, Vida covers them with more banana leaves. A fermentation process begins within this seal, which is completed after seven days, after which the cocoa beans are dried. The cocoa pods remain on the plantation, just as the manure from eleven pigs and a flock of poultry, as well as cassava husks, are spread under the cocoa trees.
We are fighting to make cocoa production in Ghana green.
Yayrator Glover

“We are fighting to make cocoa production in Ghana green,” is the message from company founder Yayrator. A small proportion of the raw cocoa purchased and processed by Glover is supplied to the neighbouring German-Ghanaian chocolate factory, Fairafric. This firm’s guiding principle is to keep the added value of the ‘black gold’ in Ghana. This is very much in the spirit of Yayrator, who is by no means only concerned with cocoa cultivation. The entrepreneur has the entire rural area in mind.
After a tour of the sorting facilities, where there is a strong smell of cocoa beans, he provides an insight into another wing of the building, where his latest investment is nearing completion. It is a super-modern, spotlessly clean production line for roasted peanuts, equipped with the most innovative machines the global food technology market has to offer. But that’s not all. Behind Glover’s company premises, he has created a large tree garden in which all known and often endangered tree species throughout Ghana have been planted.
“In 15 years, this will be a paradise,” he states, walking past a depression where he wants to create a lake with a small hydropower plant to generate renewable electricity for the farm and surrounding villages in the future. There is no doubt that the man has a vision. And this is good in these extremely uncertain times: Good for Suhum, for the region, and for Ghanaian agriculture as a whole.