Partial deep tillage – a win-win for soil fertility, yield and climate protec­tion

The prin­ciple of partial deep tillage (PDT) boasts a rich history, having been devel­oped in East Germany as early as the late 1950s. Initially aimed at increasing soil fertility and yields, this method has found renewed rele­vance today. Soil scien­tists Prof Dr Michael Sommer from the Leibniz Centre for Agri­cul­tural Land­scape Research (ZALF) and Andre Hahn from the agri­cul­tural machinery manu­fac­turer Lemken are now lever­aging this histor­ical knowl­edge in their ‘Carbon Tillage’ project to further protect the climate.

As part of carbon farming, the aim of PDT is to enrich agri­cul­tural soils with carbon through the sustain­able devel­op­ment of humus, while also breaking up compaction. This approach helps store some of the CO2 emitted by humans into the atmos­phere within the soil. A higher humus content improves soil fertility and subse­quently leads to higher yields.

By embracing this histor­ical prac­tice, the project aims to merge past inno­va­tions with modern sustain­ability goals, offering a promising strategy for both agri­cul­tural produc­tivity and climate protec­tion.

Funding from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agri­cul­ture (BMEL) has resulted in the creation of a special carbon farming plough for PDT to trans­form farming prac­tices and enhance soil health.

Devel­oped in collab­o­ra­tion with Lemken, the plough’s design features. normal plough bodies alter­nating with specialised carbon farming (CF) bodies which work deeper into the soil.

Before PDT

soil layers in balance

The aim of PDT is to break up soil compaction and increase soil fertility. In PDT, the subsoil is mixed into the topsoil. The topsoil is not deep­ened over the entire area, but only in sections, in shafts about 75cm apart. In prac­tice, it is already proven on sandy and sandy loam soils in moraine areas, increasing the soil humus content.

After PDT

compaction is alle­vi­ated

By breaking up the compacted soil, plant roots can better access resources, espe­cially water and nutri­ents in the subsoil. After 10 years, the PDT can be repeated, initially offset between the shafts, and then another 10 years later at right angles to the previous direc­tion of work.

Effects of PDT

April 2023

Analyses using satel­lite tech­nolo­gies enable farmers to monitor plant health and growth and are partic­u­larly suit­able for preci­sion farming. As part of the ‘Carbon­Til­lage’ project, satel­lite images of a maize field were taken after PDT to inves­ti­gate the effect on yield. The dark stripe repre­sents the part of the field on which the PDT was carried out.

Effects of PDT

October 2023

IYields increased signif­i­cantly within just six months. In addi­tion, different produc­tivity zones within the fields could be visu­alised. This helps farmers to iden­tify areas with high (green), medium (yellow) and low (red) yield poten­tial. On the stripe treated with PDT (green), the maize grew partic­u­larly well.

As the plough moves, it creates 10cm wide shafts at 75cm inter­vals, reaching depths of up to 55cm. During this process, about 20% of the subsoil is exchanged with topsoil. This exchange breaks through compaction zones, allowing plant roots to access deeper layers rich in nutri­ents and water.

In 2022, Prof Dr Michael Sommer, soil scien­tist at Leibniz Centre for Agri­cul­tural Land­scape Research (ZALF), launched the ‘Carbon­Til­lage’ project with agri­cul­tural machinery manu­fac­turer Lemken.

Michael has been conducting research on the Carbon Tillage project since 2022.

“Our trials demon­strated a stable yield increase of 300-500kg/ha of grain following the imple­men­ta­tion of PDT,” he says.

“This 5% yield boost mirrors results observed in the 1960s to 1980s and is confirmed by current field trials at ZALF.

How PDT contributes to climate protec­tion

Humus-rich soils, containing about 50% carbon, play a crucial role as natural carbon reser­voirs. The carbon stored in these soils orig­i­nates from plant photo­syn­thesis and biomass The carbon even­tu­ally becomes part of the soil through roots, residues and micro­bial decom­po­si­tion prod­ucts.

By mixing low-carbon subsoil with topsoil, an imbal­ance is created, prompting the topsoil to accu­mu­late carbon compounds until equi­lib­rium is reached.

The subsoil mixed into the topsoil develops into new topsoil in the 10 years following PDT.

 Marisa Gerriets, a PhD student at the Leibniz Centre for Agri­cul­tural Land­scape Research (ZALF) has been working on the PDT project since 2019.

“The subsoil mixed into the topsoil develops into new topsoil within the 10 years after a PDT, corre­sponding to carbon seques­tra­tion,“ explains Marisa Gerriets, a PhD student working on the project.

A project with roots in the GDR

Looking back at the history of PDT – it can be traced back to the late1950s when it was known as ’segment ploughing in the GDR. ‘Initially aimed at improving yields and reducing the risk of crop losses, PDT was carried out on a large scale, predom­i­nantly on arable land, and primarily in moraine land­scapes but also in isolated loess areas, until German reuni­fi­ca­tion.

The devel­op­ment of the plough from the 1960s to today

The first segment plough was devel­oped as early as the 1950s.
The range of PDT devices expanded in the 1970s, to include deep loos­ening machines with guide plates.
In the 1980s, Dr Andreas Baur, an engi­neer at the Müncheberg Research Centre for Soil Fertility, devel­oped the basic soil plough …
… which forms the basis for the carbon farming plough by Lemken today.

As part of the ’Krumensenke’ project, ZALF researchers revealed the shafts that had been created remained intact 40 years later. Using archived soil samples from the 1980s, Michael and his team were able to prove the long-term sustain­ability of PDT after confirming that the current topsoil had a 50% higher carbon content compared to the orig­inal.

Sandy soils can store an addi­tional 10t/ha of CO2 equiv­a­lent within 10 years of PDT activity, while loamy soils can store as much as 30t, making PDT a signif­i­cant contrib­utor to climate protec­tion.

Andre Hahn, product manager for ploughs and packers at Lemken, is working on the CF plough project together with a number of colleagues.

From segment plough to carbon farming plough

“The biggest chal­lenge was devel­oping a tool that mixes topsoil and subsoil correctly without nega­tively impacting plant growth during seeding,” says Andre. “We have invested many hours in field trials and tested various tool combi­na­tions to get the plough just right.”

For example, the plough currently uses a wide furrow blade to fill the topsoil into the shaft created by the CF body. “The required power of the carbon farming plough varies depending on the soil condi­tions. On soils that have not been tilled for a long time, espe­cially in deeper soil layers, the required trac­tive force can double.”

The carbon farming plough is currently in the pre-series phase and set for release in 2026.

The Carbon­Til­lage project

Funded by the German Inno­va­tion Part­ner­ship (DIP) for Agri­cul­ture, the Federal Agency for Agri­cul­ture and Food (BLE) and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agri­cul­ture (BMEL).

Project period: 

April 2022 to July 2025


LEMKEN GmbH, Agrathaer GmbH
Leibniz Centre for Agri­cul­tural Land­scape Research (ZALF)